
We work on the lines of education where we provide aid to the less privileged to achieve their dreams. A special attention is given to the orphanages and old age homes where they can be given alms to help them in every way possible.

As a part of our charity, we cooperate for any fully or semi-governmental activities and provide aid directly or indirectly. We provide relief funds to the victims of any kind of natural calamities to safeguard their lives. We conduct conferences, seminars, and lectures by experts, organize discourses, meetings and exhibitions that helps people aware and knowledgeable.

We extend our support by distribution of food, water, shelter, medicines to the needy so as to improve their standards of living. Health, hygiene and sanitation as important aspects, we keep in mind to work towards the betterment of those indexes.

We respect the fundamental duties and work to fulfil them in every walk of life thorough the Nitya Foundation. We work towards welfare and developmental schemes of the government and work for the good of the people. The organization is open for donations, gifts, endowments, settlements and contributions from individuals, firms, companies, corporations, association of persons, government and semi-government, co-operative societies, etc.